8 Pixels Design Blog

8 Pixels Design Blog

8 Pixels Design Blog featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Regenstein Learning Campus

The Regenstein Learning Campus is a new environmental discovery center and nature playground at the Chicago Botanic Garden. This six-acre horticultural center is LEED Platinum certified and serves as a vibrant community for more than 125,000 visitors each year. The design immerses families and children of all ages in a variety of outdoor experiences that engenders a deeper understanding of ecological systems. Visitors encounter a variety of natural experiences and explorations as they weave through the grassy mounds, water runnels, boulders, diverse woodland plantings and willow tunnels.

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Grand Gourmet Flagship Store

To show respect to these handmade products, the shop design was generated by a custom made computer algorithm, the fractal hexagon pattern gives the shop strong identity and organized all functions. The making process involved many cutting edge technologies and traditional handcrafts. The creative combination of the traditional handcraft and the modern technology in design and construction process makes the shop unique.

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The Exo chair is designed for use in the interior space. The design idea is represented of a minimalist approach of the shape. This solution is inspired by the desire to create a product with clear visual language. The name of the chair comes from the Greek word Exo, meaning outside. This is a slight hint addresed to the viewer about the need to escape beyond the visual overflow of the daily communication. The chair is made of steel construction and upholstery. Exo will be available in a wide range of colors.

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PLAYOHO Art Pavilion comprises of 28 nos. of circular rings on columns with different materials and characters which moves in wind and cast shadows on ground. It creates a free public space for citizens to stop their hectic pace, stay, and hang around freely. Appreciating the skylight and wind. It encourages the public to slow down and rest on the lawn and have a moment of free play, or doing nothing practically but watching the wind move the rings.

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Gates of Light

GATES OF LIGHT brings the monumental structures on the Afsluitdijk (legendary Dutch dike built in 1932) back to their former glory. In the dark, the architecture of these structures is illuminated by the headlamps of passing cars, reflecting the light through small prisms. If there are no cars on the road, the structures are not illuminated. This way of using light requires zero energy and does not contribute to light pollution.

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Mangata Patisserie

Mangata is visualized in Swedish as a romantic scene, the glimmering, road-like reflection of the moon creates on the night sea. The scene is visually appealed and special enough for creating the brand image. The color palette, black & gold, imitates the atmosphere of the dark sea, also, gave the brand a mysterious, luxury touch.

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