8 Pixels Design Blog

8 Pixels Design Blog

8 Pixels Design Blog featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Kolkata Refinery091

Refinery 091 is a themed pub that endeavors to change the way Pubs are imagined. Elements incorporated here have never been used before. The name itself has been derived from the international dialing code of India (91), making it stand out as being an out and out Indian space. Refinery 091 pays homage to the purest form of design by subtly blending the elements lending themselves to both raw and finished decor. Around the place, they seem to be moving towards a refined finish form from a raw looking finish.

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The Bandage sofa is a smart product for offices or homes. When members of Bogdanova Bureau team started to design this piece of furniture, they first of all thought about the comfort. The first thing, which you imagine when you think about the sofa is a dozen uncomfortable pillows, moving from side to side and making your rest miserable. Design team seen this problem often and decided to fix it with the special bandage system.

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Jiangshan Fishing Village

This project is a human-oriented preservation and renovation practice of a small village, aiming to meet the basic needs of modern cultural life for the residents. The first phase of the Jiangshan Fishing Village Renewal Plan consists of two parts, namely the renovation of the vacant old homes and the construction of rural public facilities. The design retains the external appearance of the rare old houses with the maximum degree in this village, hoping to emphasize the importance of regional characteristics and cultural heritage.

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The object is born from the will of simplifying, from a point of formal and productive view, the outdoor chair. The formal simplification has taken as geometry as theme, wanting to tell the zen gardens with a series of parallel lines, it exceeds a very elementary form but at the same time balanced and almost slask. Simplifying the object in line has given a hand to the elaboration of the mold for the realisation of the product. The product is constituted by a pressified aluminium molding that makes from the structure on which the legs made of a trafilate in aluminum are mechanically fixed.

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Traditional interior design is inspired by french style in 17th and 18th century European decor. It's a timeless style that exemplifies elegance and comfort. the main elements of design in terms of function and shape have been taken into account and on this basis the main lines of design have been determined to give sense of harmony. taking into consideration the choice of furniture, lighting and decoration to suit the design.

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One Year Project

“One year project” as the name indicates “move with times” which means that it took entire one year to experience the whole process such as tree cutting, sawing, fabrication, and assembling together with nature.The structure design is impressive that steel posts are standing from the local Inawashiro volcanic rocks directly used for isolated footings which protect it from 2m-high snow load in winter. Various angles of posts are just like the trees in this forest which implies that it's a new start to build a new relationship with nature to borrow instead of to take.

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Legendary designers and their award-winning works.

Design Legends are extremely famous designers who make our World a better place with their good designs. Discover legendary designers and their innovative product designs, original art works, creative architecture, outstanding fashion designs and design strategies. Enjoy and explore original design works of award-winning designers, artists, architects, innovators and brands worldwide. Get inspired by creative designs.

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