8 Pixels Design Blog

8 Pixels Design Blog

8 Pixels Design Blog featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



When Sook was young, she saw a pretty bird on the mountain but bird quickly flew away, leaving only sound behind. She looked up in the sky to find the bird, but all she could see was tree branches and forest. The bird kept on singing, but she had no idea where it was. From very young, bird was the tree branches and big forest to her. This experience made her to visualize the sound of birds like forest. The sound of bird relaxes mind and body. This caught her attention, and she combined this with mandala, which visually represents healing and meditation.

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School of Technology

The key feature of this building is a massive portico that floats over the school gardens. The structure arises from the combination of the two programmatic requirements. The need to create an institutional iconic image, and the inclusion of a set of amphitheatres. The result is achieved in one of the largest concrete structures in the world. In an article published in the Design Magazine, CC Sullivan wrote: Montenegro's School of Technology and Management never fails to create opportunities for reflection. The theatricality and grandeur are unmatched elsewhere...

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Malopolska Garden of Arts

The MGA is a culture venue with a performing arts centre and a mediatheque, located in 19th-century urban block in Kraków. The form is a contextual game of mimesis and abstraction. It draws inspiration from the context by making references to the roofing geometry and tissue of the nearby buildings, the ceramic elevation refers to their brick façades. The building fits in the scale of its environment by maintaining the roof lines and divisions of the historical façades. Due to its abstract and free composition it has created a modern architectural sign in historical surroundings

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Hotel Indigo Hong Kong Island

Some of the most fulfilling designs are those embedded and contextualised in their local culture. It was the designer’s intent from the outset to reflect, in the architectural expression, the vibrant nature of Asia, Hong Kong and Wanchai. The shading device on the hotel façade resembles a dragon; the glass bottomed cantilevered pool is considered as a pearl often associated with dragons. The hotel design also provides legibility at both the City (macro) and Human (micro) scale.

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"baan" is a type of cupboard which has been specifically designed for the purpose of dinner usage. It's unique appearance and strength is narrative that is related by function. There are several distinguishing features of cabinet systems. The different functions and features of cupboard that are separated by story such as the Cutlery insert and Box of tissues are represented by fireplace and chimney. Furthermore, wine glasses are represented by the chandelier and dish rack is symbolized by the staircase. There are four main components of house whereby narrative ideas.

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Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University

The university is located in Suzhou, where the famous Taihu stone is unearthed. The design of the Administration Information Building was inspired by the porous nature of the stone due to long time of erosion. The pores and holes are transformed into a void structure with functional spaces linking up different programmes of the building. The voids also allow the building to respond to the users and surrounding context and turn it into a vessel for interaction. The different heights of voids also create a three-dimensional Suzhou garden within the building.

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