8 Pixels Design Blog

8 Pixels Design Blog

8 Pixels Design Blog featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Brickkiln Folk Inn and Museum

In an old village in the picturesque area of Jiangnan, southern China, the design studio was commissioned the interior renovation of a cultural museum and a folk inn, enhancing the local tradition of brick klin production. The project is located in the old canal town of Zhu Jiadian, west of Jin Xi, where there can be still found more than ten ancient brick klins from the Ming and Quing dynasty. For project materials' using,the designer chose native materials such as brick and bamboo, breakthrough combining and matching to embody modernity of design while return to simplicity of material.

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This is a seat with a curved surface shape, people can easily achieve cross legged sitting by it. This seat ware can effectively distribute the force of the buttocks of the human body evenly to the outside of the knee and the thigh. Even if keeping long time this posture, we will not feel tired. The back can feel the support of the caudal vertebrae, increasing the support of the waist. This design is not only a reflection of culture, but also a study of ergonomics.

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Light cube

Light cube project is a installation which is unique for Russia. It is a quintessential dynamic light sculpture not only luminant but able to change light forms as the result of using both static and dynamic themes to create three-dimension images. The installation shows three-dimension facility of individually controlled led modules. The idea of objet d`art location is engaging, making it possible to exhibit art works effectively, thus, contributing into sightseeing attractions of Moscow and creating a new show place. It also responds to the company`s image, it`s goodwill.

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Horticultural Expo 2019

The Beijing Expo 2019 is an A1 world horticultural exposition which has been approved by the International Association of Horticultural Producers and the Bureau International des Expositions, held by the Chinese government and sponsored by the Beijing Municipal Government. We provide the logo and visual identity system for the event.

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Black Eagle

The scenery surrounding Selva of Val Gardena, Italy creates some of the most picturesque landscapes in the UNESCO World Heritage Dolomites, projecting imagery that is mostly seen in oil canvas paintings. The project encompasses modern and traditional alpine architecture, marrying each type into one cohesive form. The strong use of local materials grounds the house onto the site merging it with the landscape. Each material has its own unique texture to match the earthy colors and natural surroundings. The house was constructed according to high energy efficiency standards.

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Picglaze Sample Book

Picglaze prints photos, but finishes them with something out of the ordinary. They print on versatile and different materials, with the rigidity of the formats as a main element. The challenge of the design for Estudio Maba was to make the most of these qualities relevant on the result. Since the materials are rigid they can be sustained and form a composition. As such a sculpture with different colors and thicknesses. A product sample book that becomes a piece itself. A decorative object, further than a catalogue, this piece is volumetric design nice to see, touch and feel.

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