8 Pixels Design Blog

8 Pixels Design Blog

8 Pixels Design Blog featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


G Space

In traditional designs the rinse area often been putted in the back of the salon so that the pipes are easier to be arranged. In this project designer reckons that to put the rinse area in the center of the salon could make level and strength by using different plane configuration after discussion. In this case, the space will show different allocated area by the design.In addition to this project is a 8 meters site, by using divided districts and putting cubes to make this space more multilevel and functional pleasure.

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Way of Knowledge

This book is called "The Way of Knowledge and the Holy Spirit" by Michael Debus. In it, the author attempts to make ancient myths understandable to a modern audience through his knowledge of philosophical thought. The author expresses his thought process on the paper by way of a distinctive design using blind embossing. By passing through the doors opened by the author's thought process, the reader is presented with the image of the essence of myths that otherwise seem wrapped in veils.

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This is a design work displayed in the exhibition. It is positioned as a Lounge bar and its styling is conceptual. Designers wanted to create a different “prototype” in a way other than the traditional way by exploring different possibilities of the bar with futurist feeling. The design is inspired by the winding and intertwining concept. All the inspirations emerge in the moment and twist together to form a new design idea. Therefore, it is named "twisting". The space is formed by twisting structures, making the overall styling become very artistic, blending and independent.

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Calendar 2018 “Tri-leg”

The Tri-leg is a calendar made up of three-legged units. By assembling the triangular pieces and stacking them so they are easily visible, you can create a beautiful work of calendar art. Quality designs have the power to modify space and transform the minds of its users. They offer comfort of seeing, holding and using. They are imbued with lightness and an element of surprise, enriching space. Our original products are designed using the concept of Life with Design.

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Iconic Cloud

Designer Pia Weinberg translated her vision of creating a world for two, into a minimalistic piece of design. A design icon that will last for generations. The Iconic Cloud. Part of the new generation of rocking horses. Handcrafted in the Netherlands from solid French oak and upholstered with the highest quality fabric made from 100% wool by Kvadrat.

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The project abstracts the wine world in a fashion that the space is created as a formal changer using circumferences as the leitmotive and materials that are related to this imaginary. The process that the project used is the juxtaposition of several ribs, that are atomized in both directions, creating a lineal space reminding the antique vaults. Therefore, the different situations appear organically such as the counter, tasting table and exhibition-sale space in consonance with the materials used such as wood, stone and the mirror reflections atmosphere.

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